28 November 2010

Keep digging...

I ain't never seen nuffink like it, 'specially in November!

Every time the wee footpath snow plough goes round, it leaves a foot high mound of snow in front of my parking space. Yesterday, I had just finished digging said space out, when round it came - again. "Ho ho ho!" I felt the driver chortle, as he kindly deposited yet another foot-high ridge for me to shovel away.

Then of course there's the big road snow plough, which leaves even bigger mountains - and more shovelling. We haven't seen him today - yet. I have to go and dig out yet again to take Paul to work - what's the odds on the snowplough going round just after I've dug out? Aargh....

It's been like this since Wednesday night - I am soooo fed up with shovelling.

Update 5 December: There are mountains of snow everywhere! Minus 21 on Friday 3rd. MINUS TWENTY-ONE! Four foot long icicles, two feet deep in snow.

Click to see pics of sub-zero Kembhill Park
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